This morning I headed out to the garden after yesterday’s rain and flooding to take stock and see what needed be harvested. I filled a small tub to overflowing with tomatoes, a few jalapenos, and a handful of mixed greens (sweet potato, carrot, dandelion, dill) for our pet rabbits. The sweet potato foliage has doubled with the recent weeks of rain, and I can only hope that the lushness I see reflects what’s happening underground. Next to that bed, the butternut squash vines continue their beautiful green growth.
Although just a week ago I fully believed we’d still have pole beans now, the previously bushy monster of vines today looks just as skeletal as the bush beans I have yet to finish pulling up. And that suddenly, the frantic season of picking beans has come to an end. The zucchini similarly has given up, thanks to squash bugs and vine borers. We had a good run, but now it’s time to focus on fall crops and the tomatoes, which might keep producing until the frost comes.
Tomorrow afternoon at the farmer’s market, you can expect lots of tomatoes and garlic as well as fresh herbs and hand-knit and crocheted items. Sunshine and mild temperatures are in the forecast, so come out and enjoy the lovely weather!