There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of a freshly weeded garden. The plants have more room to breathe, I have more room to work, and the whole space just looks neater and happier. In fact, I find weeding to be a satisfying task overall.

I’ve dedicated a few hours this week to tidying up the garden, and I just love coming to the end of a row with tired fingers and muddy knees and looking back at the bare mulch of the walkway and weed-free crops on either side of it. I don’t even mind the “tedium” of pulling up the undesirable plants, as long as I can find the time to do it.

Around this time every year, the weeds begin to take over entirely, because I can hardly keep up with the more urgent tasks of watering and harvesting (so many beans!). Of course, I haven’t needed to turn on the hose in days, if not weeks, thanks to the frequent rain, which frees up a good hour or two each week.

But you’re here to find out what I’ve been harvesting! Beans, of course, as well as yellow squash, zucchini, and okra. I’ve also picked a handful each of cherry tomatoes and cucamelons, though not enough for market yet, unfortunately.

In case you haven’t seen my post about them on Facebook, cucamelons are fun little heirloom cucumbers from Mexico that look like bite-sized watermelons and taste like cucumbers with a light, vinegary tang reminiscent of pickles. Although I’m sure they’d be delicious in a salad, I can’t stop snacking on them!

I also made more dilly beans this week (beans pickled with dill and garlic), and I will have the first batch at the market tomorrow. They are flavorful and crunchy, and Paul and I could just about eat a whole jar in one sitting.

The Broadway Community Market is having a “foodie event” tomorrow, with extended hours (8am-1pm) and three prepared-food vendors, so come hungry! I will have:

  • Dilly beans
  • Fresh beans
  • Yellow squash
  • Zucchini
  • Okra
  • Garlic salt
  • Crochet/knit items

See you at the market!